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So much to be thankful for — including you!

As I reflect on the past year, I can truly say that I have a lot to be thankful for.

For me, the spirit of gratitude is not something I experience solely during the holidays or at the end of a fruitful year. It’s a daily occurrence. Every night, I sit quietly in my favorite chair with my eyes closed to reflect on my day. Part of my practice is to think of all the people and things that I’m grateful for.

Thanks to my fantastic team who have helped me launch great projects in 2022. We’ve created The Allyship Challenge Journal, The Allyship Challenge online course, and organized the One Culture DEI Conference happening in April.

I'm thankful for the seeds we've planted and I’m looking forward to seeing them sprout and grow in the next year.

I'm grateful for my health and my dedication to physical self-care. It's easy to get distracted and let physical activity fall off the radar, but I've stayed the course and am loving every minute of it.

I am thankful for my wonderful friends who make seeing me a priority whenever I blow through town, especially when they make time to meet me somewhere at the last minute. My dear friend Kramer actually flew from Iowa to Seattle to hang out with me for her birthday. Then we went to Honolulu... that's all I'm allowed to say about that. LOL! And last but not least, I would like to thank you, my clients, and my supporters. Thank you for trusting me and my team to develop, implement, and/or evaluate your DEI initiatives, for inviting us to speak to your teams, for purchasing our book, journal, and discussion cards, and for referring us to other organizations that are in need of our services. My heart is overflowing with gratitude for the experiences and lessons that 2022 has brought me, and I’m filled with excitement for everything to come in 2023. Best wishes for a happy and safe holiday season and a fantastic new year.


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